
Here we are now, entertain us!

The lack of regulation and control blew up capitalims, the resulting economic crisis wipes out one state after the other. Whats the response of European citizens? They vote for neoliberal and Euro-sceptic parties. Or even right wing extremists. But beware: voter bashing is the one and only taboo in democratuic societies: the voter is always wise. What chills me to the bone is not so much the results of European elections, it is the underlying attitude. The Greek citizen that cares about the res publica, the enlightened citizen that seeks information and acts according to his interests seem to be wishful thinking. Instead, there is a sense of entitlement, a lack of responsibility for the common good. In California, voters prefer to let the state go bankrupt instead of raising a single tax. The British, Dutch, and Hungarians prefer their national nutshell over the European umbrella. And don't they feel entitled to do so? Because "they on top" don't deliver goodies anymore, because parties don't make them feel good, because mainstream candidates are not entertaining enough? It smells so 1930ish...

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