
The Politics of Sandy

Compared to its size and fervor, the damages and loss of life inflicted by Hurricane Sandy have been thankfully below expectations. Nonetheless, the political significance of this natural disaster, only one week before the US elections, will be felt beyond the day.

1. The City upon the Hill
For better or worse, New York City is a symbol for millions in the US, and for many more around the globe. It is by no chance a coincidence that every blockbuster aims at The City, be it by aliens, water, ice or pandemics. September 11 decidedly targeted The City as the symbol. Evangelicals applauded the wrath of god brought to Sin City. Millions of observers who otherwise hold a grudge against the United States of America pour over with empathy for The City. New York City is not a city like any other. The City symbolizes all of us.

2. It’s Climate Change, Stupid!
PhotoHence, it matters if two giant hurricanes force the evacuation of The City in only 14 month time. Scientific evidence suggests that the unprecedented melting of the Arctic ice cap allows for giant tropical-blizzard hybrid storms to form in the first place. These hurricanes are a symbol to the most skeptic nation on Earth that climate change does exist, will not go away, and hit us harder than we could ever imagine today. Sandy may well be the Titanic of the Climate Change Age.

3. And the winner is…

Governor Christie of New Jersey and NY Mayor Bloomberg quickly realized the significance of Sandy, and turned against their fellow Republican Presidential candidate to praise Barack Obama as an effective and caring Commander in Chief. Despite his own efforts to mitigate climate change, Mitt Romney’s quip that money on disaster relief is “immoral” may now come to haunt him. Given the tightrope that is this presidential election, Sandy may just have made the difference.

4. Governance Matters
Compare the reaction of local and federal administration to Hurricane Katrina, and you will see that effective governance matters. Nobody would want the “Government outta the way” when it sends relief helicopters. Liberals may insist that they too want a minimal guardian state providing security. However, effective governance needs healthy public finances, solid institutions and committed personal. The City can be lucky that those survived the three decade-long neoliberal onslaught on the state.

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