For my generation, growing up in the Western hemishpere, it is our first pradigm shift. The global recession will change not only our values and rules, our plans and hopes, our relationships and behavior: it will change what we consider normal. For us, it is the first time we can first hand experience that "reality" is not what is seemed, that the world as we knew it was a construction- a constrcution that lasted only for a certain period of time. Our grandparents, used to war, inflation, the collapse of empires and regimes, can only shake their heads in disbelief of our naivety. Still, it is exciting to see the discourse hegemony shifting, the pendulum swinging back, the mainstream redefined. It tickles only a little bit when it changes the way we think and see the world. And yes, truth, history, normalcy, progress and all these funny things are still baked with that good old ingredient called power. So when the signposts have shifted, we all be wondering how we could have believed in such strange things and acted so irrational when following the old paradigm. Just like we will when this one shifts again.
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