
Rule by narcism

Starting with the latest wave of robotization, physical labour is on the retreat. The Information economy might be a scam, but without a doubt, knowledge is the key career driver across the spectrum. However, if you exspect mind training to be be next big thing, you will be fooled: most people put their bodies first.
Braindead working out in the gym, heavy dieting and the marcyless fashion regime form the fit-for-fun ideology. Extreme sports are on the rise, body art all about, personal style defines identities. While social climbers crave for status symbols, the post-college crowd seeks purity in its LOHAS ideology.
An entire generation hopes to be casted as the next supermodel, superstar or supercook. What's a feast for marketing, is a party for the ruling class. A people occupied with narcisstic self styling is even more easily administered.

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